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IT Security Policies:
Why Every Organization Must Have Them

Most small and medium-sized organizations lack well-designed IT Security policies to ensure the success of their cyber security strategies and efforts. The omission of cyber security policy can result from various reasons, but often include limited resources to assist with developing policies, slow adoption by leadership and management, or simply a lack of awareness of the importance of having an effective web security program in place.

A cyber security policy identifies the rules and procedures that all individuals accessing and using an organization’s IT assets and resources must follow. So why do we need to have IT Security Policies? The goal of these network security policies is to address security threats and implement strategies to mitigate IT security vulnerabilities, as well as defining how to recover when a network intrusion occurs. Furthermore, the policies provide guidelines to employees on what to do and what not to do. They also define who gets access to what, and what the consequences are for not following the rules.

Regardless of size, it is important for every organization to have documented IT Security Policies, to help protect the organization’s data and other valuable assets. It is a requirement for organizations must comply with various regulations such as PCI, HIPAA, GDPR, etc. The key factor is to have “documented” security policies that clearly define your organization’s position on security. This can be of critical importance in the event of a data breach and/or litigation discovery.

There are three core objectives of IT Security Policies:
  • Confidentiality

    the protection of IT assets and networks from unauthorized users

  • Integrity

    ensuring that the modification of IT assets is handled in a specific and authorized manner

  • Availability

    ensuring continuous access to IT assets and networks by authorized users

IT Security Policies should be developed with a multi-layered approach.
In doing so, there are AT LEAST nine topic areas that need to be addressed.
  • Acceptable Use Policy
  • Confidential Data Policy
  • Email Policy
  • Mobile Device Policy
  • Incident Response Policy
  • Network Security Policy
  • Password Policy
  • Physical Security Policy
  • Wireless Network and Guest Access Policy

Find all of these policies and more below!

Acceptable Use Policy

Data Classification Policy

Data Protection Policy

Email Policy

Incident Reporting Procedure

Incident Response Policy

Mobile Device Policy

Mobile Device Standard

Password Protection Policy

Password Protection Standard

Proper Computer Disposal

Social Media Policy

Windows Server Config Standards

Wireless Communication Standard

Workstation Security Policy